2013 Chevrolet Cruze LTZ Auto

WARRANTY FOREVER included at NO EXTRA COST. See our Excellent Reviews on Facebook Cars.com and Google This 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LTZ is proudly offered by Patriot GMC Hyundai This 2013 Chevrolet Cruze comes with a CARFAX Buyback Guarantee which means you can buy with confidence. The Chevrolet Cruze LTZ is economically and environmentally smart. Chevrolet clearly delivers on its promise to provide a fuel-efficient vehicle that has the great qualities you need in a vehicle. In addition to being well-cared for this Chevrolet Cruze has very low mileage making it a rare find. Marked by excellent quality and features with unmistakable refined leather interior that added value and class to the Chevrolet Cruze More information about the 2013 Chevrolet Cruze The compact sedan segment is a crowded one and Chevrolet is strengthening its game with the 2013 Cruze. Cabin noise is mostly absent thanks to triple-seal doors a laminated windshield and hydraulic engine mounts. And with an available 138-hp turbocharged engine with direct injection it s possible to achieve excellent fuel economy with a sporty feel. Riding on a proven global platform the Cruze takes the fight directly to the competition-- the Honda Civic Hyundai Accent Toyota Corolla and Nissan Sentra. Strengths of this model include quiet cabin quality interior materials Attractive edgy styling efficient turbocharged power and competent well-handling chassis DISCLAIMER Warranty Forever does not cover vehicles with over 100 000 miles and other specific vehicles. See dealer for details -for-sale vehicledetails.xhtml listingId 433771113& zip 74006



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