Furnished Ocean Front Condo with Southeast Exposure 22 in Dayton

OFFICIAL LISTING AGENT DANA HITT. CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION 386.843.2010. Imagine the Stunning views you will wake up to from this most desirable SE exposure direct ocean front 2 2 condo. As they say...You can change the furnishings and upgrades but you CAN T CHANGE THE VIEW Ocean view from both bedrooms and the family room And...River views a bonus. Fully furnished so you can start enjoying the salt life immediately... Just bring your toothbrush. Do your own updating as you desire and enjoy amenities such as gym social room sauna and swimming pool with a spacious deck and shuffleboard. Not to mention shopping and bank just across the street for your convenience. Seller motivated - bring all offers.WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THIS HOMEBeach living in comfort and great views to enjoy You are steps away from enjoying a beautiful sunrise as you lounge on your balcony with a cup of coffee in hand. Furnished so you can begin enjoying the beach immediately.Please see link to 2987 S. Atlantic Ave. 1703 Daytona Beach Shores Fl 32118Listing Courtesy of Dana Hitt Keller Williams Realty Florida Partners



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