Honest and caring

I am 64 retired and partially disabled but have many interests and I still am active. Just a little slower Old injuries finally caught uphe pic is from earlier this year.I m difficult to describe and apparently difficult to know and understand. I have had an interesting life so far but I think it has been quite diffrent than most although I find som commonality with other veterans when we talk at the VA.My nterests are varied . I think the Zoo is geat date and I enjoy Celtic music or historical songs (Seafaring folk and bluegrass) but also classical older rock rock-a-billy and new age mostlyI tend to be touch feely. Sometimes I talk to much and ramble on since my mind works quickly.I am lookng for a lady to share my life and my bed. Honesty is required. Non-smoker no heavy drinking and nothing illegal.Sexualy I am very open minded. I would never prssure a lady for anything she did not want to do but will also do whatwver we both enjoy That shoud be for a later day for any detailsInterested Then tell me about yourself.



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