2007 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT1

Carfax One Owner Local Trade 4X4 GPS Navigation Leather Remote Start Bluetooth Hands-free and Heated Seats. A hardworking member of your team. In the light-duty pickup arena the Chevy Silverado rules the road. Something you can believe in. AutoWeek reports Silverado 1500 looks like a home-run hit. New Car Test Drive said ...a smooth ride and confident handling while delivering superior capability and power...among the smoothest riding and quietest of all full-size pickups and can be counted on to get the job done... Don t just get what you pay for get more for what you pay Does it all Don t bother waiting for any other Truck Move quickly 4 Wheel Drive 4X4 4WD CARFAX 1 owner and buyback guarantee Safety equipment includes ABS Passenger Airbag Daytime running lights Dusk sensing headlights...Other features include Power locks Power windows Auto Air conditioning Cruise control...



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