2012 Volkswagen Golf

Golf TDI 2.0L 4-Cylinder Diesel 6-Speed DSG Automatic with Tiptronic FWD Reflex Silver Metallic and Titan Black w Cloth Seating Surfaces. When was the last time you smiled as you turned the ignition key Feel it again with this good-looking 2012 Volkswagen Golf. This outstanding Volkswagen is one of the most sought after used vehicles on the market because it NEVER lets owners down. As you do your comparison shopping you will see Ganley Volkswagen Subaru of Bedford offer some of the best values in the market. We will provide you a Carfax Comprehensive Vehicle Inspection and how we arrived at the price. We may not be the lowest but if you want to know who is we will show you that too. Call or Stop by Ganley Volkswagen Subaru of Bedford in Cleveland Ohio to schedule a test drive today.



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