2012 Kawasaki VN1700 ABS Voyager only 3600K 12 VN 1700 EXCELLENT

For Sale 2012 Kawasaki Voyager (VN1700BCF) with only 3 690 miles. This Voyager is in excellent condition all original including a high gloss factory graphite metallic finish. The bike was well maintained and always garaged. It has very good tires perfect disc ABS-brakes and a strong battery. Runs and handles Great This bike features all options of a luxury tourer from its spacious saddlebags and large rear trunk to its massive full fairing with wide windshield and deeply cushioned seat that s good for all-day cruising comfort. Complete with all the full-dress accouterments necessary to keep riders and passengers comfortable on long journeys and equipped with a powerful engine this Voyager will deliver a memorable experience in classic style. This amazing machine doesn t need anything other than a new owner. Clean Title in hand. Asking 9 995 OBO. Please call or text Al with any questions. cell (203) 650-7090.



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