G and P Can Make Your Yard Cozy for Fall Gatherings

G & P Concrete did a fantastic job on our stamped patio and walkway. The crew was professional they worked quickly were very courteous and most importantly did a beautiful job. The final product has improved the value of our home and has provided us with a wonderful retreat in our own backyard. I had a backyard I was embarrassed to show my friends and family now I m excited to plan my next backyard barbecue and show off my new patio. Thank you G & P Becky St. Charles MOThe weather is gorgeous and fall temperatures are right around the corner so you have plenty of time to get a new patio poured and why not include a built in fire pit How about a built in fireplace and pizza oven The possibilities are endless Whether you have a design in mind and just need it executed or you need someone to help you from start to finish we are the company for you G& P Concrete is a residential commercial industrial and structural concrete company. G& P is licensed and bonded through the state of Missouri and fully insured. Our company goal is to do quality work at a reasonable and affordable price. We own our trucks and equipment therefore allowing us to give you the best product at the best price. All of G& P Concrete employees each have a minimum of 10 years of experience or more in the concrete industry. Our work consists of patios sidewalks driveways garage floors basement floors pool decks and much more. We are tear out and replacement specialists. We also do new construction and offer competitive pricing. We specialize in decorative stained colored exposed and stamped concrete. Contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE. Visit our website for more information including styles & options along with testimonials and pictures of our work. We also offer online coupons for our new customers. We are members of the BBB and St. Charles Chamber of Commerce. Also an Angie s List Super Service Award Winner. www.g-pconcrete.com



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