1980 36 PEARSON 365 KETCH SAILBOATSingle Westerbeke 42HP V-Drive Inboard DieselA Perfect Size Sailboat for Long Range Sailing Adventures Brand New Listing at Only 36 500 (Totally ready for Survey & Sea Trial)VESSEL WALK-THROUGH NEVA is a very well maintained 1980 PEARSON 365 KETCH Sailboat that features an extremely comfortable cockpit layout lots of storage space throughout a full galley and stand up head with sink and shower. The master stateroom is located forward with wooden privacy doors. The additional berths in the salon offer additional sleeping arrangments for overnight guests. All of the sails are in great condition and the exterior upholstery is brand new (used only once) and stored inside the owners home. The blue bimini top is also brand new in 2016. In 2014 NEVA was dry docked for over five months for servicing. While she was dry docked any blisters were addressed and then NEVA was freshly bottom painted after being grinded coated seven times with epoxy and then bottom painted with Trinidad bottom paint. In addition the owner has a diver clean the bottom on a regular monthly basis to keep her performing like a champ. Unlike most other 1980 Sailboats on this one you ll find that everything actually works This 365 Ketch was purchased from a US Coast Guard Officer and the current owner is a former (now retired) Licensed Captain as well. This 1980 365 Ketch Model is a rugged William Shaw design that s perfect for exploring the Bahamas and Caribbean especially with it s very low draft.ELECTRONICS and ADDITIONAL FEATURES GARMIN GPS 492 Color Plotter (linked to the DSC VHF Radio for Selective Calling) Autohelm 4000 Auto Pilot West Marine VHF Radio with Distress Button w Antenna Datamarine apparent Wind Direction Datamarine Speed Indicator Depth Sounder w Alarm Datamarine Speed Distance Indicator Illuminated Helm Compass Energy Monitoring System Two (2) Shore Power Cords Included Aquamet Propeller Shaft New Sail Covers at 700.00 each All New Rigging in 2011 Two (2) Anchors (1 plow and 1 kevil) and New 2016 Raraton Hot Water Heater.BROKERS REMARKS If you have been searching for large but affordable long range sailboat that also makes for a comfortable live-aboard contact us today to arrange a for a personal walk-through on NEVA.To view the full vessel specifications and more photos visit the FEATURED LISTINGS page at www.GoldenGateBoatSales.com(OR) CLICK HERE for direct access to the primary listing page for this sailboat www.goldengateboatsales.com 1980pearson.htmlCONTACT Jerry Chiappetta Jr.Licensed & Bonded Yacht & Ship BrokerGOLDEN GATE BOAT SALESPhone 239-430-2628



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