Joey - Male Greyhound

Joey will soon turn 5 and just retired from a long racing career in Alabama. He is not cat or small dog tolerant.I m SO excited to have joined the SA GREYS family. Everyone is so nice. They pet me and throw my toy for me. It s like I m on vacation. It s hard to believe I ve retired When I went to spa day someone told me I was very handsome and should consider being a doggie model. That sounded like fun. They said I d meet a ton of cute girl doggies too. I decided to try some different poses during my photo shoot to see if I liked modeling.Later that night I was singing for Ms. Wanda I m too sexy for my collar too sexy for my collar my pictures cost a dollar She did not appreciate my beautiful voice and told me I d never be a singer. She also said I couldn t support myself charging a dollar for each picture.After having some time to think about it I ve decided to forgo a modeling career in favor of being a pet doggie. The pet gig sounds even better. Someone will love me forever and take really good care of me. We ll go on adventures together and enjoy each other s company at home. Heck SA GREYS has a ton of super cute girl dogs. I don t need to anywhere to find a nice girlfriend.The die is cast. I ve made up my mind. Now my forever family just need to make up their minds that I m the one. I ll be an awesome pet and I ll look great in holiday photos. Just sayin .... More Info



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