Ground Floor Pool Spa Newly Remodeled 2x2 Close to Beach

Rent 2195Deposit 2195Application Fee 35 person 18 years old and olderIncome requirements Applicants MUST have a high credit score and a clean credit report. You must also have a monthly gross income of at least 2.4 times the rent amount. Example 2195 x 2.4 5 268 gross monthly household income.Turn key Beautiful Remodel Welcome to quiet and serene Crystal Cay. This spacious unit features 2 bedrooms and 2 full baths. The kitchen overlooks the living room and features new cabinets stainless steel appliances (Fridge microwave stove oven dishwasher garbage disposal) and new quartz countertops complete with a breakfast bar. Other improvements include new bathrooms with soaking tubs wood-grain laminate floors new carpet fresh paint throughout and beautiful stone work around the crystal rock fireplace. Central Air and Heating. Stacked washer dryer in unit Ground level entry - - no steps. Two patios. Close walk to the community pool and spa. Comes with 1 covered parking space and 1 uncovered parking space. Ample guest parking. Across the street from shopping dining and much more 5 miles from the beach. This one will go fast NO PETS NO SMOKING.Available for move-in starting May 1st



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