2014 Honda Ridgeline SE

Looking for a clean well-cared for 2014 Honda Ridgeline This is it. Why gamble on purchasing a pre-owned vehicle when you can get a CARFAX Buyback Guarantee for free from Patriot GMC Hyundai. Take home this Honda Ridgeline SE and you will have the power of 4WD. It s a great feature when you need to drive over tricky terrain or through inclimate weather. You can finally stop searching... You ve found the one you ve been looking for. More information about the 2014 Honda Ridgeline The Honda Ridgeline is in a class of its own--it is the only truck in the full-size segment to use a closed-box frame and uni-body construction. It utilizes independent front and rear suspension but features a relatively short bed and a car-like driving experience. The Honda pickup comes with a starting price of around 29 000 and offers only one engine option. The Ridgeline excels in its ability to haul 5-passengers comfortably and features handling that is decidedly better than other trucks. This model sets itself apart with Comfortable ride payload and towing capacity and extensive standard safety equipment



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