Looking for a Serious Relationship

Hello I am Elvin. 45 black eyes 192ibs 5 11ft tall I have been divorced for 3 years i have a 13 years old boy I have two dogs. I m honest God fearing open minded Ambitious caring loving easy going. respectful I m in a great shape and I have a good Job. I am on here looking that special woman who i can share everything with....Someone who is going to love me for me.I would like to find my soul mate.who is honest loyal caring ambitious loving and God fearing. I don t have an exact spec sheet for the perfect women for that does not exist. If anything I have learned is that people cannot be put in labeled files. We all are too unique. The differences between us is what makes everything exciting. Your world might be completely different and new to me - and that s why I might like it. And vice versa. But in general I gravitate towards people who are cultured positive optimistic and who are open to the differences among us. I believe in destiny and karma. While I believe in a higher power I don t believe in religious institutions but don t have a problem with what other people believe in. Believe that we reap what we sow and that kindness respect and honesty are some of the most important factors one can possess. I find education to be a very strong statement of a person s drive personality and have the greatest respect for those who have achieved the same. I believe in Faith and Destiny..If you are interested in from what you read about me then dont hesitate to write to me. Prefer age. 45-60. I wish y all best of Luck.



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