Medical Billing Services

Alliance Practice Management Medical Billing Services a full-service Medical Billing & Coding company based out of Mountain View California with clients nationwide. In addition to medical billing services Alliance Practice Management also assist with Coding with Certified CodersCharge EntryAdjudicationCredentialingPayment Posting (ERA Manual)Denial ManagementInsurance A R Management Follow up Resubmission & AppealPatient A RCustomer Service & Patient CallingRefund (Insurance & Patient)Old A R Recovery Alliance Practice Management work with each client individually tailoring your account to serve your specific needs. Our clients consist of various specialties across the United States. We specialize in Orthopedics Internal Medicine Family Practice Pain Management Personal Injury & Worker s Comp claim filing just to name a few. We offer free consultations to discuss our services Our billing software also comes with an EHR portal along with full training for you and your staff.We are a diligent honest-working company that re-bills rejected billed claims for in and out of network insurance companies with the time limitation period. We service small to large size medical practices primary and Specialty Groups.



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