It s not a jet-ski and it s not a tradtional surfboard. It is the combination of technology and the desire to surf. Surftek Aqua surfboard is a jet powered surfboard (Aqua 150CC) designed by our marine engineers The advantages of the Surftek motorized surf board is its portability durability efficiency economy and power. It is equipped with Surfteks patented single cylinder water-cooling 4-stroke engine and electronic injection ignition system that will allow you to enjoy your surfing. www.surfteksurfboards.comTek Spec Engine Type 4 Stroke Single Cylinder Water Cooled (inboard jet drive)Engine Disp 149 mlMax Power 10 KwHull Carbon FiberMax Torque 2.5Nm -7000RpmStart Electric Start-EfiMax Speed 50 km h- 31 M hMax Surfer Load 110kg 242LbsFuel Tank Capacity 6LNet Weight 70Kg



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