1962 Chevrolet Impala SS

Stk 130 1962 Chevy Impala SSCar was purchased in 1998 from Nevada and had been there since sold new. The car has not been in the rain since 1998 and the engine was built by Mr. 409 Lamar Walden.Painted the original color of Nassau Blue BC CC this is beautiful. Original moldings with some dings but looks good. Antenna emblems Rocker panel moldings window trim trunk molding all new as well as the tail lights. It has the original bumpers and grill. Original hub caps with new spinners new white wall tires. The door handles and head light trim are original. This car is beautiful Bucket seats back seat door panels arm rest carpet head liner sun visors package tray steering wheel steering column dash face dash gauges and speedometer glove box grab bar kick panels all look great. The door handles window cranks rear view mirror ash trays all look good. The original AM radio still works. Brake clutch pads are new. Carpeted floormats new sill plates look new. There is a Hurst shifter in the car now but the original is included. Tach is new and old one is included. Car is really nice inside.There is a 409 engine with 409 HP with 2 x 4 carbs. Borg Warner Super 10 4 speed transmission firewall painted to match the car and is slick. Fender well satin black and slick. GM water hoses Delco Battery original type battery cables generator. Double snorkel air cleaner original type exhaust manifolds dual exhaust. Runs and handles good. Visit our site at www.ecoastcc.com for more info.



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