Dreamfinity Memory Foam Pillow With Hydraluxe Cooling Gel

The Dreamfinity Cooling Gel 2.0 Memory Foam Pillow is ideal for a night s sleep - every night Each pillow is designed with a soothing microbubble gel layer that refreshes and stays cool so you remain relaxed. The Memory Foam caters to any sleeping style to keep your head and neck comfortable all night and into the morning. Measures 28 L x 18 W Features & details This 6-inch memory foam pillow helps deliver a great night sleep and is designed for back side and stomach sleepers Designed with premium memory foam and gel fusion to provide the perfect temperature while you sleep Infused with hydraluxe Cooling Gel engineered in a unique bubble pattern Features a soft breathable mesh cover for extra comfort that is easy to remove and is machine washable Measures 24 x 16 x 6



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