Chandler Moving Online Auction - West Pecos Road

WILL SELL by Wednesday May 08 2019 8 00 PM Chandler Moving Online Auction - West Pecos RoadThis online auction feature FURNITURE Mesquite wood - China hutch bookshelf bookcase TV stand on wheels Black walnut bedroom suite - Dresser 2 nightstands armoire Restoration Hardware dining table on wheels Grey settee and more Clay pot fountain metal plant displays. Ceramic vases platter. GLASS CRYSTAL vases art bowl and much more Please view catalog and pictures online at MaxSold (s auction 15663 utm_source utm_medium post& utm_campaign Chandler-WestPecosRoad). Everything will SELL BY Wednesday May 08 2019 8 00 PM regardless of price - everything starts at just 1. For more information please visit our website.This is an online auction We do not sell nor ship privately.



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