Harry Potter Hogwarts Express Train Lego 75955

This set is brand-new but the box has some ware. The end of the box s tape is weak and may open. But CONTENTS ARE NEW and SEALED.Step aboard the iconic LEGO Harry Potter 75955 Hogwarts Express train from King s Cross Station featuring a railway bridge with a clock and steps leading to Platform 9 moving brick wall entrance Wanted poster and Daily Prophet newspapers plus a train toy and carriage with 4 seats and removable side panel and roof. Order candy from the Trolley Witch fly the Dementor into the carriage and recreate fantasy realm scenes from blockbuster Harry Potter movies. This great LEGO Harry Potter gift also includes 5 minifigures plus Dementor and Scabbers figures. Includes 5 minifigures Harry Potter Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Remus Lupin and the Trolley Witch plus Dementor and Scabbers figures. Features the iconic King s Cross Platform 9 and Hogwarts Express train. Platform features a railway bridge with a clock steps that lead to a moving brick wall entrance newspaper stand with 2 Daily Prophet newspapers and a Wanted poster. Hogwarts Express train includes a carriage with 4 seats removable side panel and roof plus the Trolley Witch with sweets trolley. Remove the train carriage roof and side panel to place the minifigures in their seats. Order a chocolate frog and more candy from the Trolley Witch. Accessory elements include 3 pieces of luggage 4 wands chocolate frog ice cream 2 newspapers King s Cross Station sign Platform 9 sign and a Wanted poster. Swoop a Dementor into the carriage to torment Harry then cast a spell with a wand to send it away Recreate iconic scenes from the Harry Potter movies. Platform measures over 5 (13cm) high 12 (31cm) wide and 6 (17cm) deep. Hogwarts Express measures over 3 (9cm) high 18 (46cm) long and 1 (5cm) wide



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