2004 Winnebago Brave 36Ft Class-A Motorhome For Sale

2004 Winnebago Brave 36Ft Class-A Motorhome. This is something you have always wanted. This unit has everything low Kms and runs great. 36ft Class-A Workhorse chassis 8.1L Engine 340hp V8 Onan generator washer dryer oversized 4 door fridge stove microwave hydraulic jacks levellers separate master bedroom sleeps 6 electric couch lounger bed large washroom with shower toilet and sink outside stereo electric canopy two slide outs two air conditioners central heating power front swivel recline seats passenger computer table front drivers door two TVs roof mount antenna roof mount satellite dish lots of underneath storage. No reasonable offer will be refused. Please call 705-794-2093 for more info.



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