3br - 1500ft2 - Pristine Colonial with Perfect Location

Pristine Colonial with perfect location16 Laurel Pl Eastchester NY 10709 699 000Center hall Colonial with terrific location Updated eat in kitchen with granite counters stainless and cheery white cabinets. Living room with fireplace and formal dining room. Playroom for the kids or make it an office Master bedroom and two nicely sized family bedrooms. Hardwood floors fenced back yard on level lot. Enjoy the back patio under the shade of the tree Manicured and well maintained. Newly paved driveway. Close to absolutely everything yet located in a neighborhood. Walk to train great shopping and dining options. This is it in Eastchester Virtual Tour www.searchallproperties.com listings 2244906 16-Laurel-Place-Eastchester-NY autoFor current pricing and more information call our 24-hour recorded information line at 888-446-4229 x233. Exclusive Listing with Mark Boyland. Find out more by visiting www.WestchesterHomesNow.com



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