Lionel Trains Santa s Helper O Gauge Ready to Play LionChief Chr

This is brand new. Box has some shelf ware. Product descriptionComplete the holidays with a model train set that looks as festive next to the Christmas tree as it is fun - Lionel Trains Santa s Helper O-Gauge LionChief Christmas Train Set. This toy train features a detailed 0-6-0 holiday-themed locomotive with lights smoke and realistic bell and whistle train sounds. It even plays Christmas music It also comes with train cars like a box car gondola with presents and a caboose with fixed knuckle couplers. Enjoy the fun RailSounds RC sound system with steam chuffing background sounds horn bell and more. You can control it all from the LionChief RC remote or download the app and control your locomotive with Bluetooth wireless. Bring the joy of classic Lionel trains to your living room this holiday season with the Lionel Trains Santa s Helper O-Gauge LionChief Christmas Train Set.Detailed die-cast constructed 0-6-0 steam locomotive in O Scale is perfect addition to the Christmas tree RailSounds RC sound system includes steam chuffing and background sounds horn bell and user-activated announcements Features realistic puffing smoke and train sounds including a bell and whistle Includes Holiday locomotive box car gondola with Christmas presents work caboose 14 curved and straight track pieces 54-wall power pack supply and LionChief remote Make the train to go forward and reverse sound the whistle and ring the bell with the remote or download the LionChief Bluetooth app



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