Private In-Home Dog Training More for Less

Donna s Dog Training 818.626.1420 At Donna s Dog Training we train your dogs to trust & respect you not fear you We use psychology not force.Our trainers have their own unique qualities but they follow Donna s Dog Training methods which are humane modern day scientific and reward based using positive reinforcement and voluntary training. Donna s mentor is Dr. Ian Dunbar a veterinarian animal behaviorist and dog trainer who received his veterinary degree and a Special Honors degree in Physiology & Biochemistry from the Royal Veterinary College (London University) plus a doctorate in animal behavior from the Psychology Department at UC Berkeley where he researched the development of social hierarchies and aggression in domestic dogs. We follow the Dunbar way and have had amazing success in doing so SERVICES In the Comfort & Convenience of your Own Home Obedience - Our obedience lessons include come sit down lay down stand watch me stay off no jump wait proper loose leash walking no pull leave it quiet no bark place bite inhibition and help with potty training. We also include some fun stuff like shake high five and roll over. Behavioral Issues - We offer a customized behavioral modification program. Our professionals help dogs with fear separation anxiety destructive chewing leash aggression potty problems food guarding excessive barking and more. Trick Training - We now offer a trick training course consisting of shake high five touch roll over army crawl wave bye bye speak through (figure 8 while walking) stickem up bang bang cover your eyes dance leave treat on nose and catch it in mouth and more. Socialization & Playtime - We proactively arrange and or attend play dates & socialization meet ups. OUR STUDENTS BECOME WELL-MANNERED & AN ASSET TO THEIR HOME & COMMUNITY We have trainers available 7 days per week and we accept all major credit cards biz donnas-dog-training-topanga-10s s donnadogtrainers channel UCbEKMSragBL_F7hXoMZgNZQs in donna-angelillo-a6a02643s donnasdog



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