
I am a 24 year old single mom with 3 years in housekeeping for the medical field as well as basic home needs. I am hardworking and willing to do any job that you aren t able to do or do not want to do. I keep things very professional and will not stop until the job is done to your satisfaction. I will clean any room inside the house including kitchens bedrooms bathrooms living room attics and basements. I have also ran errands like a brief grocery lists for people as well. My work includes picking up dusting sweeping mopping vacuuming sanitizing and many other things. I negotiate well and am very easy to work with. I do request a 20 an hour minimum but typically charge 25 an hour. I can negotiate depending on the type of work needed from me. I also request a 50 day minimum. I work a full time job as well so my hours will vary depending on our schedules. I would prefer evenings Saturday s and Sunday s. My services are worth your while and well worth every penny and I have many references to verify For more information you can contact me by call or text at 660-464-0578 or email me at erikaann153(at)



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