235540 - Overlooking Brown s Creek Salida CO

MLS 235540 Well maintained custom home on 2 acres overlooking Browns Creek. 3 bed 2 bath home with main level living walk out lower level and expansive loft. Large room in lower level provides additional room for guests. Take in the stunning views of the Collegiate Peaks through the prow windows and enjoy the outdoors on the flagstone patio or the wrap around deck. Paved driveway to home and insulated 3 car garage with carport. Walk right across the street National Forest access. PROPERTY AT A GLANCE 2.08 Acres 2898 SF Home Built In 1998 3 Bedrooms 1.75 Baths Forced Air Propane Heat Fireplace Carpet Laminate & Tile Flooring In-House Well & Septic System Wood Exterior & Architectural Shingle Roofing 3 Car Detached Garage Workshop 2015 Taxes 1 832



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