This 19 unit property is a CASH COW located in the thriving downtown St. Pete district. Being close to all the action and reasonably priced is why these units are easy to keep at 100% occupancy. The property is currently rented via Craigslist and fills up quickly with a waiting list You can walk to anywhere in downtown to enjoy the shops restaurants waterfront and other popular venues. These units are rented weekly and have an onsite maintenance representative that manages the property on a daily basis. 17 of the 19 units have tenants that have been there from 6 months to 5 years. Only a couple are re-rented weekly. This makes property management an easy job and the tenants love to call this place home. Some of the units have private baths and others utilize a shared bathroom on each floor. With downtown St. Pete growing at the rate it is this property has endless opportunities for future investors to generate a large and consistent income



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