2012 Toyota 4Runner SR5

This 2012 Toyota 4Runner SR5 is offered to you for sale by Gene Messer Toyota of Lubbock. This 2012 Toyota 4Runner comes with a CARFAX Buyback Guarantee which means you can buy with confidence. If you re in the market for an incredible SUV -- and value on-the-road comfort and manners more than ultimate off-road prowess or tow capacity -- you ll definitely want to check out this Toyota 4Runner SR5. The Toyota 4Runner SR5 has been lightly driven and there is little to no wear and tear on this vehicle. The care taken on this gently used vehicle is reflective of the 41 447 miles put on this Toyota. More information about the 2012 Toyota 4Runner The Toyota 4Runner debuted in the U.S. more than 25 years ago. Now in its fifth generation this midsized SUV uses the same platform as the FJ Cruiser and maintains its truck-like body-on-frame construction. A third row of seats is available and both the second and third rows fold completely flat without having to remove the headrests providing a cavernous 90 cubic feet of cargo space. The optional sliding rear cargo deck can support up to 440 pounds. This model sets itself apart with durability and strength smooth and comfortable ride incredible off-road handling and capability and Great combination of truck-like performance and car-like agility



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