I am giving lessons on S.A.T. S.S.A.T. A.C.T. G.E.D. GMAT and G.R.E. math and verbal sections. I have experience with this test from both work tutoring and from teaching as an S.A.T. teacher instructor for English(verbal) and math. I also have work experience as a language teacher for English with a foreign company. I am also working as a travel agent so my experiences with different peoples and cultures has given me insight into the world and how various students study work and live. I plan to promote science educational adventure and nature tours in the future. In all I feel my experience will help you greatly. I took the S.A.T. s in 2001 and got a 640 on the math section the first time and a 660 the second time. I have books at home which I use to tutor high school math students and for the S.A.T. as well. I know the types of verbal and math questions asked on these tests. The math material on the G.R.E. A.C.T. G.R.E. S.S.A.T. and G.E.D. is akin to that on the S.A.T. so it will work on any of the tests that I tutor you on. The S.A.T. is an easy exam if you have proper help and practice. Ditto with the GED G.R.E. and other entrance exams. I can help with SAT 2 subject tests as well. I want you to succeed. I have years of experience so I know how to help you. I can work with you and come up with a good study plan and go step-by-step with each lesson to see where you re at. I charge 26 hour but may negotiate with you. I want you to do well. These exams are essential in your education. Please contact me via text call if you re interested so I can tutor you. I d love to help. I am happy to talk to you. Thank you



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