Professional North Shore Vet - Schedule An Appointment Now

Looking for the Professional North Shore Vet The Gordon Vet Hospital is now here to take care of your pet. Gordon Vet Hospital is an independently owned hospital that has been serving the North Shore for more than 40 years. We pride ourselves on providing professional pet care as well as compassion and understanding to all animals and their owners. Our partners are David Loneragan and Scott Lackenby who are supported by a wonderful team of experienced caring vets and nurses. Many of our staff have been at Gordon Vet for many years. Therefore you are guaranteed to be greeted by a familiar face who knows you and your pet well. It is a place where you and your pet are made to feel welcome. Life is full of the unexpected and you can never predict when something will happen to your pet. Our clients become special to us and we make sure we are always available to offer our services in case of an emergency. We want to ensure you are able to enjoy your pet s company to the fullest capacity and we have the tools and knowledge to best ensure this is the case For more information contact us now (02) 9498 3000 or visit



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