235929 - Horse Property - no covenants Coaldale CO

MLS 235929 This is a 3 bedroom 3 bath 2300 square foot home surrounded by 14 000 foot mountains. Lots of gorgeous hickory wood cabinets in extra-large kitchen. Living room with brick gas fireplace with insert and blower. Sunroom has windows all along east wall to overlook the small mountain town of Coaldale and allow for passive solar heating. Master bedroom has a walk-in closet off the master bath. Laundry room with deep sink. Large den has a rustic free-standing gas stove. You can walk out from the lower level through 2 sets of sliding glass doors. Large storage room downstairs along with an attached Workshop. Behind the house is an 8x12 storage building with electricity. This property consists of 14.96 acres. Ready for horses livestock or your toys. The 36x48 insulated barn is open and ready to be filled it has water and electricity with another 12x20 hay barn storage shed nearby. Just outside the barn door is a 100 x120 arena. The views are beautiful from your wrap around second story deck. Enjoy your morning coffee and breakfast from the front deck watching the sun rise and then BBQ from the back deck in the evenings with an available propane hook up. Lounge around below on the 2 concrete patios at any time. Kitchen Cabinets Windows Wood Flooring and Metal roof have been installed recently. Look for Elk Moose Mule Deer Big Horn Sheep White Mountain Goat Antelope Bear Mountain Lion Lynx Bobcat Turkey Bald Eagle Brown Eagle Fox and more who travel through the pasture and around the house frequently.



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