Vermont Casting Defiant Encore wood stove

If you like to save are handy and ambitious you will save thousands here on this stove PROJECT. This is the legendary Vermont Casting s Defiant Encore 2140. No warping chipping rust or abuse....ever Truly one of the most beautiful efficient and cleanest burning wood stoves ever built With the beautiful matching warming shelves and 4 mitten racks. The Encore is the epitome of technology form and function. Gorgeous twin pyro-ceramic glass doors and all parts. Approx. 25 H x 27 W W O warmers x 22.5 deep this is their second largest made. It will accept 18 logs. It is in good -fair condition which means that it needs some work needs cleaning a new cat converter upper engaging arm and a better grate . Vermont Casting stoves are crafted here in the USA NO cheaply made Asian junk. Almost 400 pounds of dense finely made cast iron Top or front loading features with the side control damper engaging the renowned high efficiency long burn mode. Also has a HD steel griddle top for cooking or steaming. The price includes the pricy optional pyro ceramic glass doors 8 dedicated horizontal vertical flue collar a set of expensive warming shelves original owner s manual and four mitten racks. BTW this stove is currently nationally advertised for in excess of 3500.00. Save thousands now. Only 625.00. Do not text. Call 414 530 5757



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