Attention Traveling Professionals For Rent

Fully furnished (turnkey) 14x40 mini-mobile 1 bedroom with queen bed and large walk-in closet full bath with full shower separate laundry with full size w d large water heater remodeled kitchen with Corian counter tops full size stove full size refrigerator laminate floor through out all electric storage shed covered parking located in a gated community. NON-SMOKER ONLY and NO PETS and 2 adult limit. Rent is 800 a month with 3 month lease electric paid to landlord separately 800 damage deposit free wifi in unit 2 heated pools 2 hot tubs tennis courts shuffleboard library and many other amenities are available to you as a resident of this active adult gated community. Very safe area and close to hospitals. Not Available Jan. and Feb. 2017.



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