Multi Family home on Madison s East Side

Great opportunity for pure investor or owner occupant. 2-unit home in a great east-side locale near E Wash corridor. Unit 1 currently rented month-to-month at below market 1000 m. Unit has 3 bedrooms 1-car attached garage & hardwood floors. Unit 2 has 1 bedroom & 1 bath. Was owner occupied & now vacant. Live-in or rent for 600 m. Electrical service can be separated so each tenant pays their own electricity. New roof in 2013 newer windows water softener furnace water heater plus add l insulation. This property will sparkle with fresh paint Value range 150k- 160k. 24 hour notice required for showings.This property is offered by Dan Miller RE MAX PreferredFor more information please visit listing 1780178-3225-ridgeway-ave-madison-wi-53704



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