1997 Damon Challenger A321 Class A Motorhome

1997 Damon Challenger A321 coach built in 1996 on a Chevrolet P30 chassis with low mileage at 24 252 miles on a 7.4L V8 gasoline engine. The coach has had only 2 owners. Second owners bought it when it had approximately 21 000 miles from previous owner who kept unit very well-maintained. The coach has many amentities including Comfortable seating with two couches that also make into beds and 2 high back adjustable chairs for driver and co-pilot. Outside connections that enable the ability to keep in touch with the outside world a CB radio and Flatscreen TV located in cockpit. A kitchen that has a coffee maker a large 2 way refrigerator with freezer 3 burner gas stove top with oven and hood vent and a built in microwave oven. Double sinks cutting board cabinets and drawers with lots of storage for cooking pans dishes and food also a built in pantry dinette table with storage in benches and overhead. The dinette also converts into a bed. A main bedroom containing a queen size bed upper storage 2 hang up closets a mirrored wardrobe and two reading lights. And much more - See more at www.floridarvc.com listings 1997-damon-challenger-a321-class-a-motorhome



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