Baby Kid Infant Nursery Bed Crib Canopy Inflatable Mosquito Net

Coffled is a registered trademark and the only authorized seller of Coffled branded products. Helps protect your baby from insects ticks and bugs.To protect baby s eye offending by dazzling light and from biting by mosquitoes and flies..Easy to set up and store away as well.Soft material with elastic edges fits snug and secure Size Approximately. 140 81 89 55 31.8 35 .Packag included 1 pcs mosquito net with one pcs baby diaper.enote (EUB USPS with tracking No. 8-15 Business days for delivery if the price more than 6.99 3 mnths guarantee resend or refund if the item has any problem.pls kindly add the item in wish list if you like we will irregular Promotions.)...



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