Brides and Grooms we are your wedding service connection

Simple Ceremonies Of Nepa Why Knot Weddings Cinnamon Marie Photography The most reliable and affordable network of wedding vendors. As your wedding officiants we are ministers of non denomination offering a simple ceremony that lasts 20 to 30 minutes long or we can tailor a ceremony to fit your needs. We are based out of the West Pittston area and offer services to all surrounding locations our standard service is 130.00 (travel fee depending on location maybe added) and we can add something unique like a candle lighting or a sand unification ceremony as a part of your wedding package. Our female vocalist entertain and welcome your guests and perform an acoustic instrumental during your ceremony as well. We also love backyard and home weddings as well for a ceremony package like this we knock off 50.00 and offer you this package for just 80.00 (travel fee maybe applied for location). Check out our latest pictures and videos from ceremonies we have officiated. Click here to see our website and full vendor database at simpleceremoniesnepa and don t forget to like our Facebook pages to stay up to date in the world of Simple Ceremonies simpleceremoniesnepa Sarah Rinaldi with Why Knot Weddings is a certified event planner and one of our wedding officiants as well. She will take the time to create a unique theme as a part of your wedding ceremony. She takes the time to work with our brides and grooms to save you as much money as she can. Bundling services we will save you money as well. whyknotweddings Cinnamon Marie Photography goes above and beyond to catch that unique eye catching moment and delivers and captures you the greatest engagement and wedding photos that will last a lifetime. Not only does Cinnamon do wedding shoots but she is available for anniversaries parties and social events. Check her Facebook today and have her shoot your special day. s CinnamonMariePhotography



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