EdgeStar Full Size Kegerator Conversion Refrigerator Only - Stai

Build the kegerator of your dreams using the EdgeStar Full Size Kegerator Conversion Refrigerator with Digital Display (BR3001SS). With a spacious cabinet and precise temperature controls this refrigerator is the perfect starting point for your custom kegerator project. The easy-to-use and easy-to-read control panel allows you to adjust and monitor temperature settings ensuring that your beer remains cold and fresh. Perfect for quickly cooling down a new keg the handy Deep Chill Mode sends the unit s cooling compressor into overdrive when pressed and sends it back into regular cooling mode when pressed again. To jump start the conversion process this refrigerator includes four (4) mobility casters an attractive guard rail and surface mount drip tray and if you would like to use the unit as a refrigerator it comes with two (2) wire shelves. The full size cabinet is able to accommodate kegs of all sizes including rubberized half-barrel slim quarter up to three (3) corny kegs and up to two (2) sixth barrel kegs. Weight 79.4 lbs. Dimensions 33 1 2 H x 23 5 8 W x 23 3 8 D. astore.amazon.com beerandwinestore-20 detail B014V5VCZG



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