Great prices on appliances furnishings Check us out...

Great Quality New Mattresses Furnature and Refurbished Appliances. Will not be undersold NO CREDIT CHECK 88% approvalYou can even apply from home and order on the phone 1. Go to and click. 2. Fill Out Form get approval code and call store. 3. Go into store or call. We will send you pictures of current inventory. 4. We will deliver Sameday or next Mattress Over Stock Sale Come on in and see what we have Call Us At 937-270-2929 in Kettering 3 doors down from Golden Nugget 2874 South Dixie Drive Kettering Ohio 45409 Huge selection. New Mattresses and Rebuilt Appliances in all sizes and at prices you can afford. You will be amazed at how great a mattress you can get for reasonable prices. Where price and quality meet We carry High Quality Used appliances as well as New Scratch N Dent appliances. STARTING AT 149



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