2000 Discovery by Fleetwood

Length 37 feet Year 2000 Make Discovery Model by Fleetwood Miles 115 000 Interior Color earthtones cream Exterior Color beige burgundy gold Slides 137 foot 2000 Fleetwood Dicovery Motorhome in mint condition featuring Road master tow bare Explorer Satellite dish and build in satellite finder washer dryer Cherry wood interior leather seats and furniture Two rooftop air units two furnaces Corian countertops small tub and shower. Large water tank and lots of storage in the compartments. This unit has been well maintained all new roof top covers airbrakes serviced 2015 new shocks and front tires this year new thermostat and radiator flush. Roof has been cleaned and sealed 2016.Two new flat screen TV s blue ray and HDMI cables to TV s. Microwave convection over and three burner stove with oven large side by side fridge and freezer with ice maker. One large slide driver side galley and sofa chase lounger on opposite side and a 7000 diesel generator. A 2 X4 solar panel on roof with 6 new battery s(2 for motor coach and 4 house batteries) and central vacuum. Must be viewed to appreciate the features and quality of this unit. Falcon II tow package. 45 500 USD 59 900 CAN See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1013840.htm



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