Kajwa Mahotsav - Most Unusual Show of Nature

Firefly or Kajwa is a little sweet moment of light or shine that can easily be lost in the dark horizon. After looking at the changes in fireflies we start to think about the enthusiasm courage new opportunities forgotten dreams the hope of rest of the future relief etc.Bhandardara is one of the places in Maharashtra where we can see thousands of Kajwa fireflies at night. The light of the firefly in the darkness of the night is a joy to the heart. This is the moment of happiness and you can experience by joining Kajwa Mahotsav 2019 . The Kajwa Mahotsav is organized so that the children should know more about nature and the environment. This festival is organized especially before the monsoon begins. Nature has given many unique tricks to every life which helps to enjoy the benefits of the environment.DTC is an inbound and outbound Travel and Trekking Company based in India. You can enjoy the joyful moment of Kajwa Mahotsav with DTC because DTC is a pioneer in Kajwa Mahotsav from last many years when these tours were unknown to the people. Kajwa Mahotsav gives you Experience of thousands of shiny Fireflies at the same time which will be the moment to cherish for a lifetime.Kajwa Mahotsav organized by DTC has different tours at a different time interval. Such as night stay full day and half day tours with accommodation and traveling service. You can book a Kajwa Mahotsav tour to see the night of light.For more queries about Kajwa Mahotsav Call Now 919923316774 Visit our Official site s kajwamahotsav.in



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