235931 - One of a kind home Salida CO

MLS 235931Beautifully restored compact bungalow just a stone s throw from the Riverfront shopping and dining in Salida. Home is fully remodeled all new electrical plumbing new roof (2012) and high end appliances. Original hardwood floors claw foot tub and wood kitchen walls invoke the home s historic past while the immaculately landscaped patio and garden and space saving interior features allow for the ultimate in low-maintenance in-town living. One of a kind home in a premium downtown location. PROPERTY AT A GLANCE 0.06 Acres 738 SF Bungalow Built In 1904 Remodeled in 2012 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom City Water & Sewer Natural Gas Hardwood & Tile Flooring Stucco Exterior Composition Shingle Roof Prime Location 2015 Taxes 656



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