Responsible Trustworthy Pet Sitter Available Now

Hi My name is Darby Collins and I am a senior at Colorado State University studying Biology. I love to hike mountain bike read and hang out with friends and family. I have always loved animals and wanted to be a veterinarian until my sophomore year of college when I switched to pre-med. However I still love all kinds of animals and have a lot of experience taking care of them. I have been pet sitting for about eight years now. I dog sat for 1 family for 6yrs and cat sit for another family that I began working with in 2008. I have also taken many random pet sitting jobs taking care of dogs cats reptiles amphibians and chickens. I rode horses consistently for about 6 yrs and still love to ride horses whenever I get the opportunity. I grew up having dogs cats rabbits and hamsters and understand the irreplaceable position that animals add to the family. I am extremely comfortable around all kinds of animals....



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