2013 Hyundai Tucson GLS

Check out this gently-used 2013 Hyundai Tucson we recently got in. Rest assured when you purchase a vehicle with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee you re getting what you paid for. This Hyundai Tucson GLS has a tough exterior complemented by a well-designed interior that offers all the comforts you crave. The 2013 Hyundai offers compelling fuel-efficiency along with great value. You will no longer feel the need to repeatedly fill up this Hyundai Tucson GLS s gas tank in part because of it s superb EPA rating. With less than 38 000 miles on this Hyundai Tucson you ll appreciate the practically showroom newness of this vehicle. More information about the 2013 Hyundai Tucson The Tucson has a lot going for it when matched up against the competition. With either available engine the Tucson has some of the highest combined and highway fuel economy ratings in its class. The Tucson has a longer wheelbase than its rivals yet has one of the shortest turning diameters which keeps it settled and stable on the open road yet also maneuverable in tight spaces. Hyundai also notes that there is more interior space than in some vehicles a class larger and rear-seat legroom is class-leading. This model sets itself apart with generous standard features Class-leading fuel efficiency rear passenger space responsive powertrains smooth ride and safety features FOR THE BEST DEAL AND MAXIMUM DISCOUNTS CALL THE INTERNET TEAM TODAY WORK ONE ON ONE WITH AN EXPERIENCED INTERNET MANAGER WE TAKE THE HASSLE OUT OF CAR BUYING....IT SHOULD BE EASY WE ARE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED FOR OUR ABILITY TO DELIVER VEHICLES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY GENE MESSER HYUNDAI IS LOCATED AT 4025 W. LOOP 289 (NEXT TO CONVERGY S) IN LUBBOCK



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