Menz Stuff - Used 55 lb Craftsmen Wheel Weights

Menz Stuff (New & Used Parts) We have a pair of used garden tractor rear wheel weights going for 50 Weights are both in good shape with only minor cosmetic issues as pictured. Each weight is 55 lb. A new pair of these from Sears is about 104.48. Please Note they do not come with mounting bolts. Stop messing around with uneven or slippery terrain. Come on down and get a more stable ride Feel free to contact us if you need help confirming parts compatibility or need us to find a part for you. Please include engine equipment model serial and type numbers where applicable. Be sure to check our social media for tips deals and OPE related info We have been serving the community in central Pasco county for over 15 years at 10619 Land O Lakes Blvd. (US 41) just 1 2 mile south of S.R. 52. If interested have any questions please contact us at Phone 813-996-3710 Fax 813-996-3829 menzstuffshop menzstuffMenz Stuff Mower Shop a Veteran owned business. Don t Let the shack fool ya we got parts



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