Child caregiver - private home (Permanent Full time Morning Day

V Private Family Scarborough ON (Lawrence Ave E. And Morningside Ave. )Child caregiver - private home (Permanent Full time Morning Day working hours is Monday to Friday 7am to 9Am -2 30Pm to 7 30 with unpaid break)Vacancies 1Job start date 2016-09-06Wage 11.25 to 14.50 Hour (at) 35 Hours WeekMarketed to Students Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces Indigenous Peoples Newcomers to CanadaTerms of employmentWork setting Work in employer s client s home. Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note This is NOT a condition of employment. Public transportation is availableRequirements Secondary (high) school graduation certificateor equivalent experience CPR Certificate First Aid Certificate Criminal record checkWork Site Environment Non-smokingPersonal Suitability Initiative Team player Organized Specific Skills Primary duty is to care and supervise our 14 year old daughter before and after school . To ensure adult supervision including to supervise completion of homework completed accompany After school to various activities and appointments. Instruct children in personal hygiene and social development. Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties and maintain a safe and healthy environment in the home. Prepare and serve nutritious meals Weight Handling Up to 9 kg (20 lbs)Experience 1 year to less than 2 yearsLanguages English



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