1900 1 bedroom in Hendersonville

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2819055. We are just 15-20 minutes from Downtown Nashville located just across the county line. The house is a converted barn on our property. You will have plenty of privacy as the unit is a good distance from the main house. You will have your own parking area. Great location for anyone working in Nashville or on the North side of town (Downtown East Nashville Inglewood Madison Goodlettsville Hendersonville Gallatin ect). We are very conveniently located close to restaurants shopping banks grocery stores ectWe are close to Hendersonville Hospital and within 20 minutes of most all the hospitals downtown (Vanderbilt St Thomas Baptist ect).The unit includes all utilities and wi-fi. Kitchen has a fridge stove microwave dishwasher and small pantry. Double bed in the bedroom. A cleaning fee will apply for tenants that request weekly cleanings ( 25 week). Weekly cleaning will include taking out the trash clean sheets on the bed clean towels and light sweeping. You have to do your own laundry and clean the dishes. Cleaning services will need to be determined up front.No pets allowed in the unit. There is plenty of wildlife on the property to enjoy. For more details .



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