47575 Sid 5.00 - Male Guinea Pig

We welcome you to our shelter to view and interact with our pets. Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have. If you are interested in adopting one of our pets and have any questions before visiting our shelter please call -----X and press 0 and the receptionist will be happy to assist you. Guinea pigs mice hamsters gerbils and pet rats are 5.00 each. We do NOT spay neuter them and we do separate them by sex upon arrival so we try to avoid breeding but are not always sure they haven t gotten together before they come to us. If you are interested in adopting one of our pets and have any questions before visiting our shelter please call -----X and press 0 and the receptionist will be happy to assist you. Please stop for a visit in person or if you are interested in adopting one of our pets and have any questions before visiting our shelter please call -----X and press 0 and the receptionist will be happy to assist you. . Hours 10-5 30 Monday-Friday 10-4 on Saturday and closed on Sundays. Hours may vary for holidays. ... More Info



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