Home appliance and handyman service and repairs

SERVICES 10 September 2016 SERVICE & REPAIR NOW IN YOUR TOWN Truvalue Services Specializing in HOME SERVICE & REPAIRS Home Appliances you can t live without --- Washer-Dryers-Ranges-Refridgerators Home Electronics - Security Alarm & CCTV Protection Computers LapTops Home Electrical & Handyman - Services & Repairs With 15 years experience as a service technician you can trust TruValue Service is the RIGHT CHOICE. You can trust TruValue Services wil always provide you the with Professional Repairs & Services.... We do things different here at TruValue Services it s You the customer that matters so we will go above and beyond to Resolve Repair & Provide you with the best Service possible.. In our field you can rest assure by calling TRUVALUES for your home needs your making the right choice.. Give TruValue Services a CALL



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