4 bed 2 bath Pool House in West Covina near south hills best are

My Home has a Central A C & Heater Pool Block wall fencing all around the property back yard and partial front yard Large Living room Family room and Dining area and has covered patio facing pool and is close to bus stop shopping centers west covina mall i close proximity of south hills prestegious area and schools Vine elementary Hollencrest middle school and South Hills High school and west covina High school Mt. Sac college and Cal Poly Pomona Im interested in people that have a normal job and or a steady stable disability income preffer a family that can prove that they can afford it or i will allow more family members to move in to supplement for the rent but rent will go up a bit for more people. must get pre- qualified verbally over the phone and then by verifying application..credit not so important as long as no evictions on credit report and good income to show you can afford.seven1four four0four- -zero4seven6



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