2017 Chevrolet Silverado LTZ DBL 17.6k miles

2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ DBL with 6-year 60 000-mile Premium Plus Wrap (extended bumper-to-bumper warranty) with 0-deductible. One-owner with 16 700 miles. The owner of this truck owned & operated one of the capital regions finest body shops. He passed away unexpectedly now his beloved truck is up for sale. 6.2L V8 Corvette Engine 8-Speed Automatic Transmission. Sport Package with 20 Upgraded Chrome Wheels Bose Stereo System. 6 Tubular Chrome Assist Steps (dealer installed) Leather Bucket Seats. Husky Lifetime Floor Mats. Color Touch Screen w Navigation & MYLINK. Drop-in Bed Liner (dealer installed). Trailer Brake Controller Upgraded All Terrain Tires LED Lighting Cargo Box Movable Upper Tie Downs (4) 7 200 LB GVW Rating 3.23 Rear Axle Ratio. Really Awesome Truck Original price 53 420. Retail value 43 500. Available now for 39 900. Read Less



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