Looking for a Lady for dating and FWB

I m a MWM (my wife knows about this post) working on a long term contract. My wife is out of state. We enjoy being with some good friends now and then and she is enjoying a good friend of ours while I am here.I love working with my hands mouth and tongue. How about a full body massage with little nibbles and kisses I take at least an hour (usually longer) exploring a woman s body bringing her to her maximum sensitivity and then making her have multiple orgasms. I am not stuck up on intercourse but I do enjoy a woman that knows how to pleasure a man orally or with her hands.Age race does not matter. I love all flavors )My stats 56 yo 5 8 250 lbs. A bit of a gut but I have strong hands a warm mouth and inquisitive tongue ) Also DDF non-smoker light drinker no drugs - prefer the same. Let me know if you would be interested in getting to know each other.



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